Your expectations

Companies face many issues in having people, departments or entities cooperating on the same project.

Which of the below situations have you never faced?


Get assistance to manage a project (PMA)


Junior project managers often meet difficulties to deal with the different or antagonist stakes of the project stakeholders. Scheduling is not everything! Project Management is at first the art to put in motion women and men to release very concrete hurdles:

Industrialize a product

Products, and even services are now often the result of components and sub-systems assembly, from multiple vendors. Impacts on the process are multiple and require a dedicated management. Industrialization and stakeholders management become a task, as complex as design engineering.


Take profit of cultural differences instead of bearing them


Despite sanitary crises, companies’ agility in a cross-cultural context remains key for their success. Cross-fertilizing, talent catching and getting the best from it demands mastering project mode between culturally diverse entities and people.

Create a new offer

A new product or service creation is bound with difficulties. This is true whether the offer is 100% new or simply incremental from existing one.

Our clients often meet:


Import Project-driven agility into General Management

Pyramidal and matrix organizations reach their limits. Heavy, non-learning, difficult to reshape, many companies are seeking to convert them into clusters of small ad-hoc structures, in network, directly inspired from project approach.


Daily negative effects of extremely framed functions and flowcharts are perceivable in most big sized structures:

These issues are amplified after a merger-acquisition, a strategic reorientation, or a business-model change. Agility, rigor and result-orientation inherited of project approach prove to be necessary to the company bounce-up.